A Note from a Mom to her Son on his 5th Grade Graduation
Jul 21, 2015
To my amazing boy,
I was just about to start making a slide show for you on the past eleven years and emotion came over me that I had to stop and write you this note. Eleven years ago when I had you, my first child, I was overwhelmed with joy and I vowed to make every moment count. I would stroke your hair as I fed you and would say to myself, “remember this because it won’t last forever.” I would listen to your amazing giggles and want to imprint them in my brain because it was such a special sound. And when people would say, “I can’t wait to see him walk, or talk…”, I would say to myself, “I can wait, because I am enjoying him now.” I would often hear parents of older children say, “Enjoy him now because before you know it he’ll be out of the house”. I would get so annoyed thinking, why are they rushing our time.
But here we are eleven years later, and I cannot believe how fast it has gone. As I write this, tears are rolling down my face because of how much I love you and am proud of you. The other day you said to me, “I’m not ready for middle school” , and I should have told you, “me neither.” But ready or not, we get to do this. I know you are afraid of a new school, new friends, changing classes and having a locker; I am afraid too. I wonder, will we still have our cuddle time, will you still want a kiss before bed, will you still want to play games with me or just talk? I have learned something that has helped when I swirl in the questions of “what ifs”. If you allow yourself to feel that fear, I mean really find where you are feeling it in your body, you can also feel excitement. It comes from the same place. Yes, things are going to be different and new. But knowing who you are, they are going to be amazing! Here’s another thing I learned, it is not here yet so lets enjoy this time, our now, because it’s the only way to slow things down.
So tomorrow as I watch you sing and graduate from your elementary school years, I want you to know how proud mommy and daddy are of you. How happy you have made us these past eleven years. Believe it or not you have made us better people. You are special my boy, inside and out. Through the laughter, the bumps, the joys, the gray hairs and twists and turns, we have had a blast. And yes, I am looking forward to the amazing things you are going to create as you continue to grow and learn new things. We all feel fear sometimes, but know we are always here for you. Let’s enjoy this summer, let’s celebrate all you have accomplished and continue creating amazing memories. I am warning you, there will be tears tomorrow, but that’s because mommy will be seeing her baby boy growing into this awesome young man. And it’s ok. I will tell myself the same things I just told you. I am going to enjoy our time, our now. I love you always. You will always be my beautiful boy. Now go get ‘em!
by Juarline Stavrinos
To my amazing boy,
I was just about to start making a slide show for you on the past eleven years and emotion came over me that I had to stop and write you this note. Eleven years ago when I had you, my first child, I was overwhelmed with joy and I vowed to make every moment count. I would stroke your hair as I fed you and would say to myself, “remember this because it won’t last forever.” I would listen to your amazing giggles and want to imprint them in my brain because it was such a special sound. And when people would say, “I can’t wait to see him walk, or talk…”, I would say to myself, “I can wait, because I am enjoying him now.” I would often hear parents of older children say, “Enjoy him now because before you know it he’ll be out of the house”. I would get so annoyed thinking, why are they rushing our time.
But here we are eleven years later, and I cannot believe how fast it has gone. As I write this, tears are rolling down my face because of how much I love you and am proud of you. The other day you said to me, “I’m not ready for middle school” , and I should have told you, “me neither.” But ready or not, we get to do this. I know you are afraid of a new school, new friends, changing classes and having a locker; I am afraid too. I wonder, will we still have our cuddle time, will you still want a kiss before bed, will you still want to play games with me or just talk? I have learned something that has helped when I swirl in the questions of “what ifs”. If you allow yourself to feel that fear, I mean really find where you are feeling it in your body, you can also feel excitement. It comes from the same place. Yes, things are going to be different and new. But knowing who you are, they are going to be amazing! Here’s another thing I learned, it is not here yet so lets enjoy this time, our now, because it’s the only way to slow things down.
So tomorrow as I watch you sing and graduate from your elementary school years, I want you to know how proud mommy and daddy are of you. How happy you have made us these past eleven years. Believe it or not you have made us better people. You are special my boy, inside and out. Through the laughter, the bumps, the joys, the gray hairs and twists and turns, we have had a blast. And yes, I am looking forward to the amazing things you are going to create as you continue to grow and learn new things. We all feel fear sometimes, but know we are always here for you. Let’s enjoy this summer, let’s celebrate all you have accomplished and continue creating amazing memories. I am warning you, there will be tears tomorrow, but that’s because mommy will be seeing her baby boy growing into this awesome young man. And it’s ok. I will tell myself the same things I just told you. I am going to enjoy our time, our now. I love you always. You will always be my beautiful boy. Now go get ‘em!
by Juarline Stavrinos

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